DETROIT, MI—Kenneth McArthur has long been a practicing voyeur in his native city of Detroit, and in his younger years, enjoyed nothing more than finding an open bedroom window on the night of Valentine's. However, in recent years, he's found equal pleasure in observing the couples in the area haphazardly search through the selections available on Netflix before ultimately falling asleep. "I used to get really good at my thing," shared McArthur, 57. "A hot summer day was best, because people would open their windows at night to let in some cool air. It was like shooting fish in a barrel a couple of decades ago, especially near the college campuses. But these days, nothing quite gets me going like finding an open window with a good view of a couple struggling to keep their eyes open while they try to find a good genre to shuffle through." McArthur, a general contractor, admits that, although he enjoys almost all interactions of couples selecting Netflix shows, he does have a few favorite scenarios he often fantasizes about. "A real favorite is when they seem to have narrowed it down to three or four features, but then they get into a discussion of how long they can watch that night, weighing factors like who has to be up in the morning. Oh man, that really does it for me." Still, even though there appears to be low-hanging fruit readily available for Mr. McArthur, he never is quite satisfied even after multiple good finds in one night. "But my absolute ultimate fantasy is to stumble upon a dimly lit house with a window open to the side, and to watch the couple find a show that seems familiar, but they spend 5 to 10 minutes discussing whether they've actually seen it already, only to realize that one of them watched it on their own years earlier. Oh boy, can you imagine? I can feel my heart racing just thinking about it!" McArthur says that he is just trying to ride this new trend for as long as it lasts, and worries that it's only a matter of time before couples just begin to watch separate shows on their own screens, or begin watching with robots.