SNAKE MOUNTAIN—After a long week of sticking it to He-Man and She-Ra, Skeletor, the master of all darkness took a breather to surf the web for the latest ideas on being evil.
Although having deeply devious and antisocial life goals and methods has never been a problem for the being once known as Keldor, as his efforts to terrorize the citizens of Eternia and overthrow the current rulers of Castle Grayskull carry on day after day, he sometimes likes to peruse the forums and blogs for new ideas on being evil, portraying one's evilness, and avoiding things that are non-evil. "You've got to keep on top of all the trends," commented the bare-skulled antagonist of Masters of the Universe, as he began his dial-up connection to the world wide web. "Let's see what North Korea's up to."
With so many evil-doers, and after so many failed attempts at uncovering the secrets of Castle Grayskull, Skeletor considers it a challenge to remain relevant. "The thing is," he continued, "evil is getting so mainstream these days, it's like you've got to reinvent the wheel just to stay on anybody's radar. No one is surprised by corrupt politicians anymore. We don't even blink when people get beat up for expressing their opinions, and there's like, a ton of people who are cool with infanticide, even. How is a guy like me supposed to keep up with threats of locking people up and speaking really rudely?"
Skeletor said that he often sits and jots down a few ideas while reading news and social media while enjoying a hot cup of tea, and he says that he has sometimes even tried implementing some of the ideas. "Whoa. China's doing a social credit score system? Holy moly, can you imagine?"
He was interrupted when a group of his henchmen came to report that they had once again fumbled his latest plan.