EL PASO, TX—In a setback for his presidential run, photographs have recently surfaced of United States Representative Robert O'Rourke standing, sitting, and presumably even breathing in immediate proximity to defenseless human females. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, where women across the country began vocalizing their experiences with sexual misconduct, all male candidates are being held to a higher standard, leading to the scrutinizing of behaviors that were previously largely overlooked, especially from men in positions of power. Now, it seems that the chickens are coming home to roost. The photos of O'Rourke show him standing in the proximity of women, but even some children, with a neutral look on his face. However, it is clear to critics that these photos contain darker themes. "Just look into his eyes," said activist Sarah Nunez, 29. "Even though there is no outward misconduct apparent, those male eyes looking in the general direction of the crowd, where hundreds of women are standing, is a sign that he is mentally doing horrible things to them. Beyond just evaluating them by their attractiveness, he may be mentally undressing them and placing them in demeaning scenarios." "What a monster," she added. Other critics have come forward after these photos were reevaluated on social media platforms and cable news networks by people who have opinions. Veda Rasmussen, 32, states that she attended a rally for O'Rourke's unsuccessful senate run in 2018. "He came within about 5 feet of me after the speech. He was touching all of these people, even a lot of women, on their hands that they were reaching out to him. I got pretty weirded out by that. I mean, I just kept thinking to myself, what's to stop him from just pushing a bunch of people down, stepping on them, and coming over to me to do God-knows-what? I don't think I've ever felt so close to being violated. I'm glad I got out of there when I did." Although O'Rourke has not been accused of any criminal misconduct, many people have criticized his behavior of standing in rooms where he was invited, breathing into microphones that were handed to him, and keeping his eyes open when there are other people present. Additionally, some have noted that his language is often suggestive. "I remember when he was talking about how walls are bad [at a recent rally in El Paso, Texas], I just kept thinking how he could also mean that he wants to get inside the walls of my apartment," shared Cindy Harper, 23. "I mean, it was pretty clear to me that he was saying he wanted me vulnerable to any advances he made, and I got really uncomfortable." As of press time, the O'Rourke campaign has announced that it plans to "release a statement" soon regarding these new criticisms. However, many have taken offense at the obvious innuendo of the word "release."