WHEREVER—Multiple sources have just confirmed that there is definitely something interesting going on with the popular HBO series, Game of Thrones. It has been rumored for some time that there was something about a wizard or a dragon or maybe elves or whatever, and that the thing is for sure surprising or dramatic, and that there's probably some nudity. The creator of the series, that big guy with the white beard who looks like he should be smoking a pipe all of the time and holding a fishing net, hesitated to say anything too revealing about this Game of Thrones news. However, he did let slip that it was happening, and that it was something about the thrones and, by extension, the games that revolve around said thrones. Some characters that have been interacting with others in the story may or may not be killed off in the many games over the thrones. The games, however, appear to be more like battles, so... you know, don't expect to see any baseballs. Still, while some characters whose personalities have presumably been slowly revealed through the series will be killed off, or maybe even later brought back from the dead if that's something, some other characters will become romantically involved, and even kiss and everything. In any case, what is definitely clear about all of these ventures that involve the getting of positions of power, is that people who pay for HBO will continue to throw their privilege in the faces of the common folk. Their relentless teasing and signaling of noble status will continue for as long as possible, until one of these unicorns finally swallows the magic ball or whatever it is. However, it is also safe to say that, as soon as the elites have moved on from this orgy of subscription-only fantasy fiction, they will find yet another thing to obsess over, discuss at their members-only tea parties, and hoard from us lowly cord cutters. As these competitions over chairs in which rulers sometimes sit continue to dominate social media, stay with The Colon to keep up on all of the rumors, the rumors of rumors, and the lip service to this latest media fad.