BARRINGTON, IL—A local man has been seen by multiple witnesses introducing himself as a "small business owner," when in fact, it is plain to see that he is approximately average height and weight.
This man goes by the name Rick Edelberg, and claims to be 35 years old, but it is difficult to ascertain what words from his mouth are outright lies, given the fact that he can look an individual straight in the eye and call himself a "small business owner."
Indeed, without actually putting him on a scale, anyone with half a brain would estimate him at about 160 to 170 pounds. To describe that as anything below average is just a load of garbage. Additionally, I'm 5' 10" when I stand up straight, but Edelberg here—if that's even his real name—is more like 6' flat. Still, this conman has the nerve to insist on calling attention to his imagined stature deficit.
It is unlikely that many people would even be that bothered by Edelberg's delusions of inadequacy if he didn't also tack on the little jab at the end where he shows off that he owns a business. Like, who cares? So you started a copy center. Real impressive, right? I have a job, too. Showoff.
Despite Edelberg's spreading of propaganda on his social media profiles and even in person, few seem to be falling for it. There is a clear lack of recognition from organizations for people who are actually small, such as Little People of America, and frankly, it's rather surprising that he's been able to pass off this charade for so long without facing an embarrassing public reckoning.
However, although he's not being directly called out over his baseless claims of being of smaller stature, the public may be showing its protest in a more subtle manner. For one, he has only 3 employees at his business, and his customer base remains rather small. Thus, one thing remains clear about this supposedly "small business owner," and that is that if nothing else, his business is likely to remain small.
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