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Intervention Thwarted by Attendees' Engagement

Writer's picture: Todd BlankenshipTodd Blankenship

OSINO, NV—Family and friends gathered together on Wednesday for the culmination of a month of planning and preparation. Derek Bronson, 28, has been the source of growing concern for loved ones for the past 3 years as his use of opiates has steadily led to his dropping out of graduate school, getting fired from multiple jobs, and disrupted dozens of relationships.

    Derek's mother, Mary Bronson, 56, explains that "We didn't know what else to do. For too long, I just sort of figured he would get better, or snap out of it, I guess. We finally decided that this couldn't go on any longer." 

    Mary began reaching out to Derek's family members and his friends whose relationships with Derek had become strained. Twelve people expressed interest in helping Derek, and eventually an intervention was scheduled for this Wednesday. Attendees included Derek's parents, who are divorced; his step-mother; three of his grandparents; two older siblings; and three of his high school friends whom he has known for years.

    "It's always tense those few hours before an intervention," explained Charity Lawson, 34, the facilitator of the intervention. "You never know how these things are going to go down."

    Derek was brought to his father's home under the pretense that they would watch a movie together, but when he entered,  he found the group gathered around in the living room, and invited him to sit. Charity introduced herself, and explained that those present had a few important things to tell him. 

    His father volunteered to start, and explained how their relationship had changed over the last few years. Before the elder Bronson could get through his opening, Derek interrupted.

    Charity explained, "He was sitting there with his arms crossed, looking at the floor for a moment, and then he shot a look up at his high school friends. Lisa [Horwitz, 26] and Greg [Page, 27] were holding hands as Mr. Bronson read his prepared statement. I guess that caught Derek by surprise, because he spoke right over his father and asked them if they were together."

    Mr. Bronson reportedly stopped reading, and let Lisa and Greg answer that they were, in fact dating. "Derek was just blown away. He couldn't believe that his good friends had become an item since high school," said Charity. Hoping to get the intervention back on track, Charity redirected to Derek's father, who got through two more sentences of his statement before Derek noticed that Lisa was wearing a ring. 

    "Wait. Hold on, is that a ring? Is that an engagement ring? Holy [expletive], are you guys engaged?" Derek just lost it, witnesses said. 

    "It was like he had been out of the loop for so long, and things had changed so much," said Jill Bronson, 32, Derek's sister.

    The couple admitted that they were engaged, at which point the tone of the intervention completely changed. Charity related, "First it was Derek's mom. She just had to get a look at the ring. Then Derek's grandmother got in on it, too, needing to know all the details of the proposal. Everything got completely derailed at that point."

    She added, "Of course, I was curious if they had set a date yet, and I kept hoping they would tell how they met, but I figured I was an outsider and probably everyone else sort of knew."

    After some initial hesitation, Lisa and Greg took over the meeting, answering questions about their engagement, which had taken place three days before Valentine's Day of this year because Lisa likes to be surprised. "I didn't expect it at all!" she shared. 

    After finishing their story, the couples in the room felt the need to share their own engagement stories. "At that point, I saw no possible way to get back to the intervention," said Charity. "I just let them talk. Derek seemed to be in a good mood, and I get paid anyway, so whatever."

    The conversation came to a natural stop after about an hour, at which point Derek looked around the room tearfully, and said, "You guys, all of this talk of love and fulfillment has really got me thinking I've been missing something. I have this hole in my life that I keep trying to fill."

    Sources report that the tension was palpable. Charity relates that "Derek just stopped silently, took a deep breath for what seemed like an eternity, and then popped off the couch and said, 'I need a hit right now.'"

    He then left the home without a word of protest from anyone. He has not been seen since.

    Lisa and Greg are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and have set a date for August 21st.




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