SACRAMENTO, CA—Edgar "Ed" Fleming, 41, entered the men's public restroom at his place of work, a hardware store in east Sacramento, on Tuesday morning with high hopes of ridding himself of the bowel discomfort that he'd felt for several of the preceding minutes. He reports that he'd "felt a little off most of the morning, you know, downstairs," and that he expected it was due to a large platter of buffalo wings and three beers he consumed on the previous night while watching a sporting event on the television. "I didn't know what to expect when I got in there [the restroom]," he said, "but I knew it wasn't going to be pretty." With some urgency at approximately 9:22 a.m., Fleming informed a coworker that he was going to leave his post in the lumber section for a few minutes to "sort something out." He then entered the men's restroom, which is reserved for employees only, locked the door, and commenced his bowel movement. "At first, it really seemed like things were going to be over quickly," related Fleming, father of one. "Then, after a little bit, I realized that there was more going on." The Oakland native explains that he struggled in no small discomfort in the restroom for "what felt like forever" before finally feeling that he could return to work. When he rose to then inspect the results of his several minutes of straining, he was surprised at what he saw. "All I could think was, 'That's it?'" he explained. Fleming shared that he stood there for several seconds deciding whether he should "sit back down and try again," or "just expect to be back in another 30 minutes." Ultimately, he opted to thoroughly wash his hands after "tidying up," and then returned to his work station, confused and disappointed by the unfruitful restroom visit. "The funny thing is," he added, "I didn't actually need to go back in until later that night." He then shook his head and noted with a smile, "but that's when I got the troublemaker."