By Joshua Stanley—Every April 22nd it's the same thing: everybody posting on social media platforms about "Earth Day" as if there aren't three other types of bending in the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise. Sure, earthbending is arguably the most powerful of the elemental manipulation arts, but that doesn't mean we should devote a holiday to the Earth Kingdom without also celebrating the Air Nomads, Fire Nation, and Water Tribes.
When Aang returned from his mystical, cryogenic sleep, he didn't just visit the Earth Kingdom; he started among a Water Tribe, learning the ways of each element in his travels. Okay, I get that Bumi and Toph—both earthbenders—are super cool characters, but that still doesn't justify an exclusive holiday.
The Avatar had to master all four types of bending to save the world, so why wouldn't we have a day or days set aside for all of them? I propose that April 21st be observed as Water Day, April 23rd Fire Day, and April 24th Air Day. I'll be binge-watching Avatar season 2 (Earth) today if anyone wants to come over. Please bring snacks.