So wassup, boys? I'm a laid back, 26-year-old brunette who likes to have a good time. And by that, I mean that I like to distort my sense of reality through the use of substances, some of which may be deemed illicit in certain jurisdictions.
I'm looking for someone to hang with—for example, by sitting in a dimly lit room enjoying the resulting sensations caused by neurotransmitters that are released or kept from being reabsorbed due to our intake of substances which mimic them or cause the central nervous system to change how it regulates them. That is truly one of my main interests in a new relationship.
I'm a bit shy on my own, but once you get me in a more intimate setting, and flood my bloodstream with chemicals known to influence one's perception of reality and cognitive abilities, I really open up and you can see the beautiful person I am on the inside. I want to share that with you, after I've decided that I can trust you not to notify the proper authorities that I am in possession of paraphernalia and substances deemed by the federal government as habit-forming and potentially hazardous. Trust is very important to me.
So come on and give me a call. Then you and I can build a solid relationship on our shared interest of shutting out reality, blunting our emotions, and dangerously toying with our bodily equilibrium that defines our personalities.
I'll be on the couch, waiting for your call.