Hello. I'm not normally one to use these sorts of sites looking to meet people, but I've been thinking I should finally get out there and see who's around.
For a long time, I've been trying to quash something stirring deep inside of me. I guess I've always thought of myself one way, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't often find my thoughts betraying who I thought I am. It's time that I start to explore these deep feelings, especially in 2019, when people are more open-minded about these things.
So I'll just say it: I think I may be attracted to the undead. It was never something I really considered consciously, but I guess it's always been something I toyed around with in little half-thoughts. When I was little, I used to think that Frankenstein's monster was hiding in my closet or under my bed, just waiting for me to fall asleep so that he could clumsily strangle me and toss me across the room like a rag doll. When I was a little older, I would sometimes imagine the cold touch of rotting flesh from zombies as they caressed by throbbing brain. I think that what really got me thinking about it again was that Twilight trilogy. I started to imagine pasty vampires hidden in the shadows, just waiting to suckle my juicy jugular.
My heart is pounding just thinking about it. It's high time I explore these feelings to discover who I truly am underneath. I don't quite know where to start, but I guess I'm looking for some kind of being who is neither alive nor dead, but cursed to walk the earth for a time. I really just want to start off getting to know you, and learn about your lifestyle, and then see how it goes from there. I'm a natural night owl anyway, so I think that should help with meeting and everything.
Just as a forewarning, though, I have a peanut allergy.