By Alicia Elgin—The advent of the internet has changed the world in countless ways. Nearly anything is at our fingertips, limited only by our bandwidth. Similarly, social media platforms make it possible to reach and communicate with people all across the globe. It is an amazing time to be alive.
However, with this power to spread information across the world, especially where "going viral" is a goal people have, we must be wary of the unforeseen consequences of simultaneously having a being part of a global audience. Although we may use social media to share photos with loved ones, or exchange recipes with like-minded persons, these platforms may too often expose us to dangerous elements, toxic ideas, and nauseating melodies.
In short, I fear that it has become too easy to spread country music.
There are people on these social media platforms who do not think like the rest of us. They wear strange clothing, speak with bizarre accents, and endorse things that I simply cannot support. Large, oddly shaped hats. Beat-up trucks. Singing with a drawl. These things are spreading all over the internet even as you read this.
As a concerned citizen, a parent, and patriot, I am concerned that the spread of this style of music will continue, and that it will corrupt the foundations of our society. What hope do future generations have if we allow this to continue? How can they be expected to have faith in a system that allows such filth to exist?
I understand that preventing the spread of country music begins with the home. I have had stern talks with each of my children about avoiding certain search terms while they do their browsing. But still, I cannot vouch for what their friends encounter. Isn't some of the burden on the platforms that give voice to these leather-boot-wearers?
I urge all concerned citizens everywhere to call upon all social media platforms and demand stricter criteria and more roadblocks in place to prevent more country music from being spread. We must also gain the platforms' support in removing accounts from known country singers or songwriters.
This simply cannot be allowed to continue. The fabric of our society depends on wholesome, quality, melodious, and upbeat music. For the sake of the nation and our children, please help me prevent the spread of country music.