Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am a 40-year-old white man looking for partnership. I realized after some deep reflection and several overdue bills that my current partnership meets only about 60% of my needs, even after I've put in a lot of initial investment—emotionally, of course. I'm more and more feeling the urgency of my situation, as I get older and realize that my time is running out, so I am really motivated to put myself out there and find the right fit.
I'm really attracted to people who have a plan. Specifically, a plan that covers hypertension medication and routine screenings is a real turn-on for me, and even though I'm not too picky about it, a low deductible is a real plus. I can look past a lot of personal shortcomings, but I do ask for a low maximum out-of-pocket spending in all of my relationships. I'm frugal that way.
If you have a place in your heart, and room on any sort of employer-provided insurance programs and whatnot, I'd love to go over the details with you soon. Let me get in your network, and we'll be premium together!