Hi, fellas. I am a 43-year-old single woman, just looking for anyone to scrape me off of this highway we call "life."
I feel like everything is just passing me by, and it's been that way for a long time. It seems like I've been stuck right here on the pavement of life for years, watching the others just go along their merry little way. A lot of times, someone will give me a disgusted look, or avert their eyes, and some people just don't even notice me, but I have places I want to go, too.
I wasn't always this way. When I was young and naive, I took on more than I was ready for, and I charged out into the fast-paced world. Of course, I was knocked off my feet by a handsome boy who was moving far too fast for my comfort. Ever since then, I just don't seem to be as vivacious.
I know that I don't hardly resemble who I was back then. There are parts of my young and hopeful self still there, but you may need to use your imagination to find them. Still, I promise that there are a few meaty pieces left that could nourish some part of you, metaphorically speaking of course, if you'll just take the time to cut away the weather-worn bits.
If you're ready to slow down a bit from all of the hustle and bustle to see what treasure the rest left behind, give me a call.