I'm a deep and complex man, ladies. There's a lot to me that is under the surface, if you take the time to look for it. It may even surprise you, at times.
I have what some would call "multiple unresolved unconscious conflicts" that I like to let leak out into my interactions with others. See, even though I'm unaware of these on the outside, deep down, I'm really intimidated by how powerless I feel around a beautiful woman, and so if you date me, you might find me lashing out at you over meaningless things. It's not that you've done anything to offend me or harm me, it's just my way of keeping myself feeling like I am the one in charge, when really I feel helplessly vulnerable in the presence of your majesty and have-it-togetherness.
Don't fret, though. It's not all anger and lashing out. A lot of my inner conflict stems from bad experiences with my mother, who was emotionally distant. Because of that, I've been spending years looking for someone I can count on to be fully present for my emotional needs, as a sort of pseudo maternal figure. For that, I mostly just need some hand-holding and reassurance that everything is going to be okay. I will expect that to happen on demand, so don't make any plans to leave town or be unreachable at any hour of the day.
Naturally, my mother issues are quite complicated also. Because I learned not to depend on her, I will sometimes try to be the one who is emotionally driving our relationship. This will probably look like sudden breakups, or belittling things I say, and so on. Don't worry, though. I'll come back around pretty quickly, because the idea of being alone is just as terrifying to me as feeling vulnerable in a romantic relationship.
On that note, I'm getting pretty anxious waiting for your call, and starting to wonder if I actually have any self worth, so I may just lash out at you for waiting so long to call me when you first do. Again, that's not me, so much as my inner conflicts, so don't pay them much mind.