Those close to James Townsend are saddened to announce his passing on Monday of this week after a several-months struggle with parasites that had been slowly consuming his vital organs.
Although the doctors insist that James died due to the massive loss of most of his liver, both kidneys, and other vital organs, his friends know that what really killed him was a broken heart. It is no coincidence, they say, that he caught the parasites on the vacation he took with his then-girlfriend of 5 months. It was there in Paraguay that he had planned to ask Giselle to marry him, but before he got the chance, she told him that she wanted to see other people.
They say that he was never the same after that trip. He didn't eat much anymore, and when he did, he just couldn't keep the food down. Those closest to him felt like he might not ever get over Giselle when he started urinating blood.
His best friend noted that the heartbreak was palpable, as James would sometimes seem just fine, and then suddenly keel over in what looked like physical agony. Though he tried to get him interested in other girls or activities, James was soon bedridden, and seemed to always have an excuse why he couldn't go on another blind date. "I need to have a feeding tube put in tonight," he'd say, or "They're making me wear a catheter."
As if he just couldn't leave Paraguay behind him, James went over every moment of the trip with his doctors, like where he had been, what he'd eaten, and people with whom he may have come in contact. He seemed to be stuck in the past, unable to move on.
Loved ones have been struck by what a tragedy this ordeal has been, and hope that it will be a lesson to others. They want everyone to avoid being consumed from the inside out by old romances.
In lieu of flowers, please send a few hateful text messages to Giselle, the real cause of this man's early demise.