To the tragic, but awfully well-timed passing of her husband, Bartholomew Harrelson at 59, Regina Harrelson responded with a deep sigh and shake of the head.
Friends close to the Harrelsons were surprised by the timing of Bart's death, as he had just increased his life insurance coverage after several years of badgering from his dearly beloved. As chance would have it, he happened to have died on the fifth anniversary of the night he admitted to an extramarital affair with Regina's best friend.
Bart is survived by two loving sons, the youngest of whom had become financially independent just a week prior to his father's death. One of the last things they had done together, at the insistence of Regina, was to get Bart's affairs in order, and plan his funeral, "just in case," as Regina said.
Regina, who was the last one to see Bart alive on the morning he died, will remember him for the way he poured his attention into his hobbies and friendships, leaving nothing left for anyone else. She also fondly recalls the way she could hear him chewing from anywhere in the house.
Bart, who owned a boat dealership, died while eating his breakfast on Sunday, which Regina had prepared for him out-of-the-blue. Given her religious practices to which she converted only 3 weeks ago, she declined to have an autopsy performed and had Bart's remains cremated as soon as possible. She explained that Bart really didn't like to be under any scrutiny, and wouldn't wish it now.
A brief service will be held at the Harrelsons' residence, during which Bart's ashes will be spread in the garden. Regina insists that her late husband would never have allowed the expense of anything else. Immediately after the service, there will be an auction held in the front yard selling all of Bart's things, and Mrs. Harrelson will then leave for a month-long cruise for which she had bought the solo ticket three months before Mr. Harrelson's passing.