CANTON MA—Would-be kidnapper Harlon Beaudreau [29] saw a chance to grab 4-year old Riley Brisby outside a 7-Eleven yesterday on Washington Street. Beaudreau had stopped to put air in the tires of his 1990 Honda Accord when he saw the unattended boy standing near the outside restroom as though waiting for his turn. Although Beaudreau, a non-licensed electrician, had not planned a kidnapping attempt, he thought this chance encounter was just too precious to waste, so drove up to the boy and snatched him, tossing him in his front seat. “I didn’t know what I was going to do with him, but I thought I could figure that out later.”
Riley stayed calm, not too upset except that he really had to go, “I told the guy that I couldn’t hold it much longer, but he said his house was nearby and I could go there cuz [sic] that bathroom at 7-Eleven is really disgusting.” Beaudreau talked to him calmly, reassuring him they were not far.
Then it happened. Beaudreau glanced at the boy, wondering if anyone was missing him yet, just as Riley pulled an enormous booger out of his nose and ate it, even chewing it! Beaudreau slammed on his brakes and jumped out, retching his recent lunch, a bacon cheeseburger from Five Guys, also on Washington Street. Riley got out of the car to see what was happening, just as a policeman came by. The officer stopped to render assistance and the whole sordid tale was revealed.
Beaudreau has been booked for attempted kidnapping while Riley has become a local hero of sorts. Apparently Riley’s older brother, Robert [8] came out of the restroom so Riley could have his turn but he was nowhere to be found. Robert alerted his Dad, Richard [31], who was inside paying for gasoline. It wasn’t long before the police showed up with Riley who was reunited with his family and finally got to use the restroom, which he agreed, “Is very disgusting.” He was interviewed this morning for the local news and commented, “My mom always told me to quit eating my boogers, that it’s disgusting, but I think she’s not going to say that anymore.”