Yuri Burzynska will long be remembered for his resilience against temptation, even when breaking a single rule would have saved his life.
As a deeply religious man, Yuri spent his life carefully toeing the line of good versus evil, and seemed to many to have perfected the practice. He never broke a rule since he was a small child, as near as anyone could tell.
His family noted that Yuri never sneaked food into a movie theater, and was careful to adhere to the speed limit, even when no one was around and there was an emergency. He was the type of man who, with one hand, would take a penny out of the "take a penny, leave a penny" cup at the grocery store, and with the other hand, would then put one back in. Even though it was just an option, it sounded like it might be a requirement, so he didn't dare chance it.
And so, it came as no surprise that when Yuri was out at the beach with his family on Friday of last week, when he swam out into the deeper waters and his back cramped up fiercely, he took one look at his kickboard, read the label that stated "This is not to be used as a life saving device," and immediately let go so that he could drown with a clear conscience.
His family is simultaneously heartbroken and relieved that he was such a man of principle that he would so blindly take a statement out of context. They will mourn and revere him for the rest of their lives.
His service will be held at 11:00 a.m. in Our Lady's Grace chapel.