In an unfortunate example of the consequences to not heeding posted warnings, Chad Pinker died on Thursday of this week after a deadly run-in with a dog he chose to underestimate.
Chad worked for the electric company, and despite 6 years on the job, he ignored the sign posted on the fence at 1265 Sycamore Road that clearly pleaded with visitors to "Beware of Dog." Apparently not fully grasping the danger, Chad ventured into the back yard anyway, at which point an Irish setter approached him from behind and stabbed him through the neck with an ice pick.
After a brief and fruitless struggle with the 5-year-old canine named Laddy, Chad succumbed to his wounds. The dog's owner found Laddy apparently attempting to bury the remains in a shallow grave in the yard, and because the dog had the keys to the utility truck in his mouth at the time, it is suspected that he intended to move the truck in hopes of concealing his deed.
The local authorities use this incident as a stark reminder to always heed posted warning signs. As for consequences for Laddy, the owner states that he was denied his favorite chew toy for the rest of the day.
Chad's funeral will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday.