The beloved family and friends of John Doe, assuming he had any, would probably be shocked to learn of his apparently sudden passing approximately 3 to 6 months ago. His remains were found by a camper, dumped into a secluded area of a valley. He appears to have been killed by blunt force trauma to the skull. One thing is clear about Mr. Doe: he took very good care of his teeth in his 30 to 40 years on earth, as he could not be identified by his dental records, as he has so few fillings.
Guessing by his overalls and thick boots, we can surmise that John worked with his hands, possibly in construction or something along those lines. His customers or coworkers or employees are sure to have noticed his absence for all these months, and may even know who might have had something to do with his disappearance.
John will be remembered by the camper who found him, the officers who arrived at the scene, and the coroner who inspected his remains. All agree that he was a quiet fellow who never asked them for anything. His DNA profile did not turn anything up in the database, so it seems safe to assume that he had no criminal record. For that, his community thanks him, wherever it is.
There will be no service as yet, as there is still an ongoing investigation, but the local police department will hold a luncheon and open house for anyone who thinks they may know who John was. Please bring a photo and anything that might contain his DNA, anytime Wednesday afternoon.