Jason Irving's untimely passing will leave a mark in his family and friends' lives for years to come. He was an accomplished water skiier, a caring uncle, and a treasured son. His friends mourn what could have been, if only he had not mentioned passively that he had never seen any of the Star Wars films while they were out socializing. As is usually the case, such a comment stirred up great controversy, which quickly escalated to accusations, which quickly escalated to violence, ultimately ending in Jason's demise.
Perhaps if Jason had not had those two beers and plate of nachos, he would have known better than to open his mouth and say such a thing. Indeed, there was no indication that he had planned to say anything, as he had not told anyone that there would be a big announcement that night, he hadn't left any notes, and he had only minimal life insurance. It seems to simply have been a slip of the tongue in poor judgement.
Although many of his friends and family have disowned him since learning of his secret, those who can look past his gaping flaws and work toward forgiveness will gather at the Henderson Funeral Home on Sunday at 2:00 p.m.