UNITED STATES—Despite soaring national debt, an opioid crisis, rampant threats to first amendment rights, and North Korea possessing nuclear weapons, the people of the United States have been utterly preoccupied with a shiny object that was dangled in front of them for a couple of seconds several months prior.
As if hypnotized by its shimmer, the press, politicians, leaders, parents, teachers, and all other people within the borders of the U.S. have been staring at the object, fixed upon the light that it reflects, and they have been unable to escape its siren call since that time.
Upon just a few occasions some of the residents of the nation almost directed their attention elsewhere, but they were quickly redirected once the object was stirred ever so slightly, causing its reflected light to dance and again transfix them for the foreseeable future.
A very few citizens were able to withstand the draw of the shiny object, and attempted to instead direct their eyes elsewhere. However, their steadfastness was shortlived as they quickly devolved into looking where all others were looking, attempting to talk about what they were looking at without actually viewing it themselves, and ultimately cast their eyes upon the shiny object also, caught in its inescapable orbit forevermore.
It appears that at this point there are only two possibilities for any hope. The shiny object could be put away forever, or what is more likely is that a shinier object will appear in front of the nation, distracting them for several more months or years.