I suppose I really shouldn't even have to post this here. I mean, you know who you are, and if you simply pick up the phone, you'll sense the numbers you need to dial to reach me. That's the power of this cosmic force that is driving the two of us together.
Still, just to provide a little extra encouragement, I figured I would post this here to let you know that I know. My psychic went over it all yesterday. I'm soon going to enter into a new relationship. Somehow, I just know that this is going to be it. I can feel the forces of the universe calling to my spirit, preparing it to meet you. You can feel it, too, I know it.
So now take a moment, and let the timeless wisdom of the breeze, and the poetic perfection of the sunlight point your compass toward me. Search deep within and let the lifeforce of all beings and matter guide you into my life. You know where I'll be and when. You can sense it. I'll see you there, my darling.