Hello, gentlemen. I have a bit of a situation here, and I could sure use a hand. My parents are coming into town in a couple of weeks, and you know how it is...
So, after years of pressure and constant asking about whether I'm dating, I finally just made up a boyfriend. I know it's stupid, but that got them off of my back. It finally felt like we were getting along, and it was just such a nice feeling, that I...sort of kept up the charade.
Anyway, so here's the deal. My parents were really getting nosy about when my made-up boyfriend was going to propose, and so that actually happened a couple of years ago. They kept pushing me for a date so they could plan, and that date is in two weeks. They are coming here for the wedding.
So I know this is kind of awkward, but I just want you to act like, totally in love with me, and seem to know all about me and stuff, and then walk down the aisle with me, say the "I do," thing, and then do the reception. But it's only for 3 days, and my dad is paying for everything, and then you can just go back to doing whatever. I seriously think that once my parents have met you at the wedding, they'll finally be over the whole thing and just leave me alone. I mean, I guess I'll have to keep your information and stuff in case they ever start pushing me for grandchildren and all, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, right?