MENARD, TX—As if I didn't have enough going on already, it appears that, despite having been trimmed just 6 days ago, my fingernails have grown to an uncomfortable length again.
Sources confirm that, even though it seems like I just trimmed these bad boys yesterday, it has, in fact, been 6 days. This, ostensibly, is ample time for said nails to grow near the original length at which they were trimmed a mere 6 days prior, regardless of whether it feels like a long enough time to have returned to such a length.
Indeed, although my toenails do not appear to need trimming just yet, after no fewer than 15 days having passed, nonetheless, it is difficult to ignore the length of my fingernails during daily activities such as driving, using a phone, and even as I type this.
Experts insist that, although trimming my fingernails may be a frustrating part of life, that it doesn't take more than a minute or two, and that I am, in fact, a "big boy who can do hard things."
Whether such a statement bears the test of time is anybody's guess.