NATCHITOCHES, LA—After 4 long years of personal sampling, one local canine feels that she can now safely say that her poop smells the best.
For as long as she can remember, Tracy has had a passion for poop. Like other dogs, she would often keep track of the comings and goings in the neighborhood based on whose poop was where during her daily walks. However, unlike the others, Tracy seemed to have an unusual affinity for sniffing other dogs' fecal matter. She would find herself lingering around the piles of poop long after the other dogs had moved on. She could tell not only who had left the scat, but also what they had eaten for that meal, and often even what mood they were in when they left it.
"I suppose you could call me a connoisseur," laughed Tracy.
Amid all of her other hobbies of chewing things and chasing away squirrels and airplanes, Tracy would often spend a lot of time thinking about excrement.
"I don't think it started consciously, but I started to run little experiments," she shared. "I'd try out all sorts of different foods, sometimes trash, and sometimes I'd even mix in some other animal's poop, and then whatever came out I would just study and study with my nose."
Eventually, she became one of the best poop sniffers the state of Louisiana has ever known, at least by her own reputation. But amid all of her expertise at identifying solid dog waste, she's absolutely certain of one thing: and that's that her own poop smells best. "I could just sniff my own all day, you know what I mean?" she noted. Tracy takes comfort in the sweet familiarity of her own excrement, out of all the possible scents that she's documented.
"It just feels like home," she added.
We know what she means.