CLEVELAND, OH—Following comments that seem to suggest she may value human life, Democratic Presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, has come under fire from all of the other candidates and several portions of the democratic base as an insane extremist.
The U.S. Representative from Hawaii said recently that she does not necessarily think it's an awesome idea for a doctor to reach inside of a woman's body to inject poison into a viable, growing, healthy human being who would otherwise be born naturally in a few more days, and then to methodically dismember it one piece at a time. Since voicing such an extreme position, Gabbard has been raked over the coals by every other candidate and many other democrats.
"We want to make it clear," said Democratic National Committee spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa, "that Representative Gabbard's view of human life as important or intrinsically valuable does not reflect the position of the Democratic Party. We are embarrassed that she would suggest such a thing."
Gabbard maintains that she views abortion as an issue that should be between a woman and her doctor, but said that she would personally never consider asking a doctor to lay her back on an operating table and insert instruments into her for the purpose of ending the life of the unique, developing human within. She has also suggested in some interviews that maybe if a fetus has reached the point in development when it's actually pretty close to being born anyway, it might be okay to let it live.
"What a maniac," commented registered democrat, Chelsea Jackson, 32. "How dare she suggest that my two children were valuable, important, or worth anything to anyone at any point before they took their first breath. There would have been nothing wrong or uncomfortable if I had chosen to crush their little skulls just seconds before seeing their faces. What is wrong with her?"
Gabbard's suggestion that perhaps there could be some other possible options apart from death once a fetus has reached viability has led to calls for her to drop out of the race, and others suggest that she is not truly a democrat. "It is just so out of step to think that human life is anything but totally dispensable," added College Democrats member Belinda Warner, 20, at a protest against the death penalty. "This whole notion that life is precious or inalienable is just republican propaganda, and [Gabbard] drank the Kool-aid."
Although Gabbard is not among the leading candidates, she remains in the race, and recently announced that she would not attend the debate on December 19th. Although she stated that she would instead use the time to visit people in the community, many democrats suspect that she is up to something. Anthony Isaacson, 36, said, "I bet that extremist will be out there spreading her baby-loving, life-affirming talking points. So pathetic."