UNITED STATES—With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, citizens all around the nation are awkwardly fidgeting in their seats at the dinner table while they wait for the Black Friday sales to start.
Families from all over the United States are on edge today, absently spouting off pleasantries with relatives while they casually check their watches and review their shopping lists in their heads to be prepared for the sales that launch later tonight or tomorrow morning.
"So, Grandma," said Rinisha Nelson, 17, over the dinner table, instantly ignoring the response to fantasize about the new phone she's been ogling for the last 3 weeks, "what's next for your garden in 2020?"
"I just can't believe it's been 2 years," exclaimed Donald Morris, 41, at the sight of his younger brother while mentally checking off his list of preparations for the morning: gas in the tank, cash and two credit cards, comfortable shoes, and a small blade just in case things get rowdy.
Trying to remember not to eat too much so that he could stay awake until the store opens at midnight, Wesley McTavin lied to his mother's face about having "a bit of an upset stomach." He then refused to eat the sweet potato casserole that she spent 2 hours making because he figured he needed to be one of the first 300 people in the store to get those headphones he wants.
Nina and Greg Albright made plans to bail from their extended-family dinner as soon as their 4-month-old baby fussed so that they could go over the detailed plan one more time. "I figure that I'll take the baby to camp out at Macy's," said Greg, "and Nina will get what she can over at Walmart before we run out of steam.
Trisha Williams, 21, sipped at her sparkling cider nervously as she began to panic internally that JC Penny might run out of the earrings she's set her heart on. "Boy, it's sure nice being together," she said in a prepared and rehearsed statement several times, making the other feasters uncomfortable.
As of press time, everyone in the nation had run out of things to talk about, and just sat in silence, scrolling through online deals.