Hey babes. So, if you're like me, you've already given up on half of your new year's resolutions and decided to just try again next year. Or don't try—trying is really hard. Still, one thing I am still working on in 2019 is actually skimming more of your emails and letters while I'm at the nail salon. I did pretty well this last weekend: I got through 3! I decided to address the third one because the first two were pretty boring, and I was not feeling a fourth one, so here's what N.M. from the Southwest writes:
"Dearest Cassie, thanks so much for all of your [fabulous] advice all the time! Of all the people who give me advice, you are the least threatening [and most inspiring]. So, I'm really trying to increase my social media presence, but I find that it's taking a lot of time away from things like relationships, eating, sleeping, and just like, reality in general. Is it just me, or am I putting too much importance into how people on the internet think of me? Thanks so much!"
You are so welcome, N.M. I, too, have struggled sometimes to find the time to bathe, do laundry, and feed the cat with all that's going on on social media and all. So no, it's not just you. But on the other hand, yes, it is you. Social media is the new reality, and I don't think we're coming back to the physical world anytime soon, so you just need to embrace it. I still wash my hands, I can order clean clothes online, and my cat eventually found a new family (so I assume). In this world of cybercelebrity, you owe it to yourself and your fake friends to detail literally every moment of your life for them. If they're not "liking" your photos, they're going to go somewhere else. It's your job to feed this beast.
Instead of thinking of all of social media as a distraction from what's real, try to shape your entire life around it. Personally, I make it my number one goal to destroy the internet with all of my selfies. Remember, attention is what matters. You might think that sounds shallow, but my "likes" and "impressions" speak for themselves. If getting 2,000 "likes" per post is not making a difference in the world, then I don't know what is.
Well, I hope to see some of you out there in cyberspace. Keep posing!