I'm a sailor, sweetheart, and that's a fact. You need to know that I'm married to the sea. She's my one true love, and my heart belongs to her. If she calls, you'd better believe that I'll come running. Still, things sometimes get a little stale with her. She's very busy with her tropical storms and rising tides and book club, so she's had less time for me. I'm a man and, let's be honest, I have needs. Sometimes the sea just can't fulfill those needs. She's very good at gently rocking me back and forth until I toss my cookies starboard, but she's not often a great listener, and doesn't cook worth a darn. After all these years, we've agreed that, even though our passion has evolved into more of a deep respect, we would both be comfortable if the other saw other people. Frankly, I know that she's had more sailors than I could shake an oar at. I figure it's time that I found someone, too. She'll always be my first love, but if you're looking for a hard worker with some great fish stories and a peg leg, then drop me a line, but not a fishing line, har har!