I am a 20-year-old Sagittarius with a lot to offer. I'm looking for someone who can share my passions and likes, and who wants to be there for me, unlike some people who prefer their drinking buddies they see every day anyway. I don't ask for much; I just want someone to listen to how my day was, compliment my cooking, and come to my piano recitals. Even just one, which is apparently too much to ask some males that mean something to an impressionable young person. I know they are long, and I don't get every note right, but just smile at me from the audience. That's all I'm asking. I enjoy books, movies, and even the slightest bit of attention. I am not great at sports, but I will still watch them with you, even though you'd probably prefer a boyfriend at those times. I am sure that I can win your approval with my drawings, which have gotten really good. If things work out between us, I would love to some day hear you say those three words every girl craves: "You're good enough."